Why the World Sustainable Development Forum (WSDF)?

The world is not doing enough to deal with the challenge of climate change, and in implementing the spirit and purpose of the Paris Agreement on climate change. At the same time, we now have the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have been in existence for four years, but are hardly receiving the attention that they deserve. Meanwhile, the inequalities across the globe, the degradation of our ecosystems and the massive challenge of poverty remain largely unaddressed. The recent extreme events which have devastated the Caribbean region and Central and North America are a grim reminder of what is to come if we do not act.

We need to activate every possible forum to create a coalition of government decision makers, business leaders, civil society and academia and the public at large to provide new momentum to deal with climate change and a move to sustainability in economic activities. It is particularly important that the youth of the world be drawn into appropriate initiatives and actions by which they safeguard their own future, and provide human society with new directions and values.

Areas of Focus

Governments reached a historic agreement in Paris in 2015 to tackle the growing challenge of climate change. In the same year, the UN General Assembly adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with clear outcomes targeted for 2030. While governments will certainly work towards meeting their commitments both in respect of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, the urgency of taking adequate action requires grassroots initiatives involving all stakeholders. The World Sustainable Development Forum (WSDF) is attempting to create awareness; to spread information and knowledge; and to inspire action for meeting the challenge of climate change and implementing the 17 SDGs across the globe.



The activities of the World Sustainable Development Forum are in two broad categories which include stakeholder engagement, and research and analysis.

For stakeholder engagement, through global forums, WSDF seeks to engage with policy makers, international organizations, business icons, civil society and youth.

In terms of research, WSDF produces analytical briefs on topical issues to drive ambition and action to address climate change and meet the sustainable development goals.


Patrons of


To know more about WSDF leadership Click here.
H.E. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

H.E. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President of Guyana


H.E. Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President of Guyana


Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim

Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim

Former President of Mauritius


H.E. Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger

H.E. Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Former Governor of California


H.E. Mr. Anote Tong

H.E. Mr. Anote Tong

Former President of Kiribati
H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk

H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk

Former President of the Republic of Slovenia


Dr. Erik Solheim

Dr. Erik Solheim

Former Executive Director, UNEP


H.E. Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn

H.E. Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn

Former Prime Minister of Ethiopia


H.E. Mr. Hamid Karzai

H.E. Mr. Hamid Karzai

Former President of Afghanistan


H.E. Mr. James Alix Michel

H.E. Mr. James Alix Michel

Former President of the Republic of Seychelles


H.E. Mr. Jean Charest

H.E. Mr. Jean Charest

Former Premier of Quebec and Former Minister of Environment, Canada


H.E. Mr. Jean-Louis Borloo

H.E. Mr. Jean-Louis Borloo

President of Energies for Africa, and Former Minister, France


The Rt. Hon. The Lord John Prescott

The Rt. Hon. The Lord John Prescott

London, United Kingdom


H.E. Mr. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

H.E. Mr. José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

Former President of Spain


H.E. Mr. José Manuel Barroso

H.E. Mr. José Manuel Barroso

Former President of European Commission


H.E. Dr. José Ramos-Horta

H.E. Dr. José Ramos-Horta

Former President of East Timor (Nobel Laureate)


H.E. Dr. José Rosas Aispuro Torres

H.E. Dr. José Rosas Aispuro Torres

Governor of Durango

Host Patron

H.E. Mr. Kevin Michael Rudd

H.E. Mr. Kevin Michael Rudd

Former Prime Minister of Australia


H.E. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi

H.E. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi

Former Prime Minister of Malta


H.E. Dr. Leonel Fernández

H.E. Dr. Leonel Fernández

Former President of the Dominican Republic & President, FUNGLODE


H.E. Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom

H.E. Mr. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom

Former President of Maldives


Prof. the Hon. Mike Rann

Prof. the Hon. Mike Rann

Former Premier of South Australia


H.E. Mr. Ricardo Lagos

H.E. Mr. Ricardo Lagos

Former President of Republic of Chile


H.E. Ms. Rosalía Arteaga

H.E. Ms. Rosalía Arteaga

Former Constitutional President of Ecuador


H.E. Mr. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

H.E. Mr. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj

Former President of Mongolia


H.E. Ms. Vaira Vike-Freiberga

H.E. Ms. Vaira Vike-Freiberga

Former President of Latvia


H.E. Dr. Yukio Hatoyama

H.E. Dr. Yukio Hatoyama

Former Prime Minister of Japan

