Analytical Briefs on Climate Ambition and Sustainability Action

The analytical briefs series titled—Climate Ambition and Sustainability Action (CASA)—seeks to drive ‘ambition’ and ‘action’ to address the global issue of climate change and to realize the sustainable development goals. CASA is the Spanish word for ‘home’ symbolic of the only home we have: Planet Earth. CASA series is brought out jointly by World Sustainable Development Forum and Protect our Planet Movement. The briefs analyse topical issues related to climate and sustainability ambitions and actions and is targeted at policy makers, politicians, thought leaders, business leaders and the development community. The briefs below can be accessed in HTML and PDF formats.

Climate Security in the UN Security Council in Recent Years

Abstract This article explores the discussions on climate security within the UN Security Council, questioning why the Council has not embraced this concept more unanimously. We examine how various UN members frame the relationship between climate and security and compare this to the broader acceptance of the concept in the General Assembly.

Author(s): Uros S. Popadics, Research Assistant and Trainee Mentor, POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement, USA


January 2024, Casa Brief to World Sustainable development forum

The phenomenon of climate change is now universally recognized and acknowledged. There is increasing evidence to substantiate the scientific theories

Young People’s Battle Against Climate Change.

September 2022, Analytical Brief

For centuries, young people have been the drivers of social change. In the words of the French sociologist Rene Lourau “Young people are the social instituent, the one that avoids the stagnation of institutions, which is something that naturally occurs in all societies”.

Author(s): Luis Tamayo Pérez and Antonio Sarmiento Galán
Stemming the Rising Tide: Oceans and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Stemming the Rising Tide: Oceans and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

October 2021, Discussion Paper (Partner Series – National Maritime Foundation)

Oceans, the largest known carbon sink in the world, have largely remained absent from climate change negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and has had to compete for attention amidst a host of other issues despite their critical importance for the mitigation and adaptation outcomes.

Author(s): Saurabh Thakur
Introducing Climate Resilience as The Fifth Pillar of India’s SAGARMALA Programme: A Case for Mainstreaming Climate Action into Development

Introducing Climate Resilience as The Fifth Pillar of India’s SAGARMALA Programme: A Case for Mainstreaming Climate Action into Development

July 2021, Discussion Paper (Partner Series – National Maritime Foundation)

Maritime sector in general and maritime trade, play critical roles in the economic development for many countries. For India, around 95 per cent of India’s annual merchandise trade (by volume) is carried through the sea.

Author(s): Pushp Bajaj, Saurabh Thakur, and Chime Youdon