Analytical Briefs on Climate Ambition and Sustainability Action

The analytical briefs series titled—Climate Ambition and Sustainability Action (CASA)—seeks to drive ‘ambition’ and ‘action’ to address the global issue of climate change and to realize the sustainable development goals. CASA is the Spanish word for ‘home’ symbolic of the only home we have: Planet Earth. CASA series is brought out jointly by World Sustainable Development Forum and Protect our Planet Movement. The briefs analyse topical issues related to climate and sustainability ambitions and actions and is targeted at policy makers, politicians, thought leaders, business leaders and the development community. The briefs below can be accessed in HTML and PDF formats.


Climate Risks and Collapsing Marine Biodiversity:  Lessons from India

January 2021, Discussion Paper (Partner Series – National Maritime Foundation)

The health of human civilizations is inextricably linked with the health of ecosystems.  Declining biodiversity and collapsing ecosystems pose a serious threat to economies, food-security, livelihoods, and human health, globally.  In May of 2019, in a landmark event, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy

Author(s): Pushp Bajaj and Akshay Honmane
Climate Change and Coastal Cities: The Case for Integrating Adaptation Planning in India

Climate Change and Coastal Cities: The Case for Integrating Adaptation Planning in India

November 2020, Discussion Paper (Partner Series – National Maritime Foundation)

This article seeks to draw the attention of the Indian populace at large, but most particularly that of India’s coastal communities and their governance structures, to the alarming and imminent challenge posed by climate-change-induced sea-level rise and extreme events. 

Author(s): Chime Youdon, Associate Fellow, National Maritime Foundation