Agenda - WSDF 2020, Durango, Mexico
Vision towards limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius
The WSDF was held in Durango during March 5 – 7, 2020 and focused on specific actions which need to be taken as a follow up of the Forum. Hence, each session conducted necessarily arrived at specific policies, advocacy of a range of projects which were identified during the proceedings, indicating where possible what steps have to be taken by various stakeholders. The Forum was not merely a talk shop but an attempt to be a game changer on global issues identifying very clear actions to be taken.
Participants were provided with a brief note outlining some of the actions which need to be taken with a sense of urgency. This note was sent to all the participants of the Forum, but in no way limited the nature and content of the discussions that took place in the Forum.
Keynote address : 10 minutes
Panelists : 6 minutes
Strict monitoring of interventions with a yellow light 2 minutes before allocated time, a red light one minute before and bell going off at the end of allocated time.
March 5 | |
8:00 – 9:00 am | Registration |
Video tribute by H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon Secretary-General of the United Nations | |
Video tribute by Mr. Zhang Yue, Chairman, Broad group of companies | |
Video tribute by Hon’ble Arnold Schwarzenegger, former Governor of California | |
Messages to commemorate Dr. R.K. Pachauri by: | |
His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco | |
Ms. Ekaterina Zagladina, President of Permanent Secretariat of World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates | |
Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency | |
Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chairman, IPCC | |
Honorable Dr. Manmohan Singh, Former Prime Minister of India | |
9:30 – 9:55 am | Welcome Session |
H.E. Dr. Esteban Calderón Rosas, President of the Superior Court of Justice | |
Lic. Jorge Alejandro Salum del Palacio, Mayor of Durango | |
Ms. Martha Delgado Peralta, Under Secretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico | |
Dr. Dolores Barrientos Alemán, Representative Officer in Mexico, UNEP | |
H.E. Mr. Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon, Foreign Affairs Minister | |
H.E. Dr. José Rosas Aispuro Torres, Governor of Durango | |
Ms. Elvira Barrantes de Aispuro, DIF President (Integral Development of the Family system) | |
Dr. Ash Pachauri, Secretary and Treasurer and Member of the Board, WSDF | |
Ms. María Elena González Rivera, President of the Board of Directors of the H State Congress-Durango | |
H.E. Mr. Alfredo Herrera Duenweg, Minister Natural Resources and Environment | |
Dr. R.K. Pachauri, President, World Sustainable Development Forum (video) | |
Hoisting the flag to open the Forum | |
10:00 – 11:00 am | Opening Session |
The Opening Session set the stage for actions and initiatives by its stakeholders given the eminence and experience of the speakers. | |
H.E. Mr. Ricardo Lagos Escobar, Former President of Republic of Chile | |
Ms. Martha Delgado Peralta, Under Secretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico | |
Ms. Xiye Bastida, Youth Leader (by video) | |
Moderator: Deputy Silvia Guadalupe Garza Galván, Member of the Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change and Natural Resources Commission | |
11:05 am – 12:15 pm | Plenary Session: Future Risks from 1.5℃ Plus |
In this session a clear case was made and the scientific rationale provided for limiting temperature increase to 1.5℃ by 2100. The assessment and deliberations showed the unacceptable risks beyond 1.5℃ and mitigation of emissions by which this limit must be respected with specific and timely action. | |
Co-Chairs: H.E. Ms. Rosalía Arteaga, Former Constitutional President of Ecuador La Dra. Sylvie Jeanne Turpin Marion, Metropolitan Autonomous University |
Keynote: Prof. Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General, World Meteorological Organization Dr. Keywan Riahi, Program Director, Energy, IIASA Dr. R.K. Pachauri, President, World Sustainable Development Forum (video) |
Panelists: | |
Dra. Ana Cecilia Conde Álvarez, Researcher at the Center for Atmospheric Sciences-UNAM | |
Dra. Margarita Teresa de Jesús García Gasca, Rector, University of Queretaro | |
Professor Sir David King, Partner, SYSTEMIQ; former UK Govt CSA; and former UK Special Representative for Climate Change (Video) | |
Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary-General, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) (by video) | |
Ms. Jamilla Sealy, Former Regional Chairperson, Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) | |
Ms. Chloé Moingeon, Youth Leader of the POP Movement for France; Bachelor student at ESCP Business School | |
12:20 – 1:30 pm | Plenary Session: Low Carbon Options for Business and Industry |
Business and industry must assume responsibility for implementing timely solutions. Many of these solutions are directly in the interest of business organizations, such as the risks to business from the impacts of climate change, the benefits of low cost decarbonisation actions in the energy sector, reputational benefits and in some cases higher employment opportunities. | |
Chair: Dr. Izarelly Rosillo Pantoja, Researcher on Climate Change and Human Rights, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México | |
Keynote: Dr. Erik Solheim, Former Executive Director, UNEP and Senior Adviser, World Resources Institute Dr. Dolores Barrientos Alemán, Representative Officer in Mexico, UNEP |
Panelists: | |
Mr. Mauricio Bonilla Padilla, Executive Director, Global Compact Local Network Mexico | |
Mr. Brian Nash, Corporate Vice President of Sustainability, Ingredion (live streaming) | |
Prof. Bertrand Moingeon, Executive Vice-President - Directeur Général adjoint, ESCP Europe; Dean for Executive Education and Corporate Initiatives | |
Dr. Patricia Klauer, Entrepreneur and Data Strategy Consultant | |
Ms. Shailly Kedia, Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute; Board Member, World Sustainable Development Forum | |
Mr. Samuel Chijoke Okorie, Youth for Today Initiative University Of Calabar, Calabar Nigeria, and a member Young African Leaders Initiative Network (YALI); POP Movement (by video) | |
Dr. Raghavan Seetharaman, CEO, Doha Bank (live streaming) | |
1:30 – 2:45 pm | Light snacks and refreshments |
2:45 – 3:55 pm | Plenary Session: Energiewende and Innovation |
The key to achieving decarbonisation of the energy sector would require rapid transformation of the sector with immediate and effective action. SDG 7 focuses on affordable and clean energy, which has to be ensured for climate change mitigation and meeting the needs of billions of poor people who are completely outside the modern energy system. | |
Chair: Dr. Sergio C. Trindade, former Assistant Secretary General, UN | |
Keynote: Mr. Terry Tamminen, Former Secretary of the California EPA; and President, 7th Generation Advisors (live streaming) | |
Panelists: | |
Mr. Fernando Gonzalez, CEO, Cerro Dominador (live streaming) | |
Dr. Shonali Pachauri, Acting Program Director, Transitions to New Technologies & Senior Research Scholar, Energy Program, IIASA | |
Mtro. Omar Ramírez Tejada, Environmental Advisor of the Executive Power, Coordinator of the CDEEE-Renewable Program, Dominican Republic | |
Ms. Annika Ramsköld, Vice President, Corporate Sustainability, Vattenfall (live streaming) | |
Dr. Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Emeritus Research Scholar, Transitions To New Technologies, (former Deputy Director General/CEO), IIASA (by video) | |
4:00– 5:10 pm | Plenary Session: Values and Lifestyles for Sustainability |
The IPCC has identified lifestyle and behavioral changes as an important mitigation option including dietary changes. A special report of the IPCC shows, for instance, the imperative of human society transforming its diet to plant based sources. Lifestyles must also attempt to reduce waste to ensure sustainability and substantial reductions in pollution levels on land, water and air. | |
Co-Chairs: H.E. Ms. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, former President of Mauritius Ms. Nilima Bhat, Founder-Director, Shakti Leadership |
Keynote: H.E. Mr. Lyompo Yeshey Penjor, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Forests, Bhutan (by video) Deputy Silvia Guadalupe Garza Galván, Member of the Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change and Natural Resources Commission |
Panelists: | |
Dr. John Roy Porter, Professor Emeritus, University of Copenhagen (by video) | |
Dr. Keywan Riahi, Program Director, Energy, IIASA | |
Dr. Izarelly Rosillo Pantoja, Researcher on Climate Change and Human Rights, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México | |
Ms. Xiye Bastida, Youth Leader (by video) | |
Ms. Caroline Sandberg, Co-Founder, Eco Eaters, Tahoe Expedition Academy, POP USA | |
5:15 – 6:25 pm | Plenary Panel Discussion: Visionary Leadership in Industrialized Countries |
Given the cumulative emissions of greenhouse gases from the past contributing to the rapid increase in the concentration of these gases, industrialized countries need to raise their level of ambition and take the lead in developing mitigation options, which not only reduce emissions at the global level but also become a model for other countries which are at an earlier stage of development. | |
Keynote: Prof. the Hon. Mike Rann, Former Premier of South Australia The Hon’ble Mr. John Kerry, Former United States Secretary of State (by video) H.E. Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso, Former President, European Commission (by video) |
Panelists: | |
Prof. Richard B. Dasher, Director, US-Asia Technology Management Center, Stanford University | |
Prof. Mila Popovich, Chair, Nominations Committee, World Academy of Art and Science | |
Mr. Jens Ulltveit-Moe, Founder & Chairman of the Board, Umoe Group, and Mr. Bjørn Kj. Haugland, CEO, Norway 203040 (by video) | |
Ms. Summer Benjamin, Co-founder, Eco Eaters; POP Movement | |
Mr. Fernando Castro Bojórquez , Autonomous University Of Occident UAdeO Los Mochis Sinaloa Mexico | |
Moderator: Ms. Peta Milan, CEO Transcendent Media Capital, Co-Founder Jade Eli Technologies and Associate Fellow, World Academy of Arts and Science | |
6:30 – 8:00 pm | Cocktails and Cultural program |
March 6 | |
9:30 am – 10:40 am | Plenary Panel Discussion: Visionary Leadership in Developing Countries and Economies in Transition |
It is now obvious that developing countries and economies in transition cannot and must not emulate the consumption and production patterns of the industrialized world. Economic growth and development in the developing countries must aim at sustainability, resource efficient processes and a pattern of development distinctly different from the historical record of industrialized nations. | |
Keynote: Dr. Adrián Fernández-Bremauntz, CEO, Climate Initiative of Mexico H.E. Dr. Danilo Türk, Former President of the Republic of Slovenia |
Panelists: | |
Ms. Shailly Kedia, Fellow, The Energy and Resources Institute; Board Member, World Sustainable Development Forum | |
Ms Joana Paulino Pereira, H.E. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate José Ramos-Horta’s office, East Timor | |
Prof. Mila Popovich, Chair, Nominations Committee, World Academy of Art and Science | |
Ms. Maria Jacques Valenzuela, CamBIO Ibero | |
Moderator: Ms. Tiahoga Ruge, Regional Director-Mexico, Earth Day Network | |
10:45 – 11:55 am | Plenary Session: The Perils of Sea Level Rise and Ocean Pollution |
SDG 14 focuses on Life Below Water. The oceans of the world are facing a serious threat not only from sea level rise due to melting of ice on land and the Arctic ice cover, thermal expansion of the ocean and the rapid increase in ocean pollution from human activities, including plastic waste. The session focused on the nature of the problem and solutions by which human society has to implement rapid changes. | |
Chair: H.E. Dr. Lawrence Gonzi, Former Prime Minister of Malta (2004-2013) | |
Keynote: H.E. Dr. José Ramos-Horta, Former President of East Timor and Nobel Peace Prize (1996) Winner (by video) H.E. Mr. Yukio Hatoyama, Former Prime Minister of Japan |
Panelists: | |
Dr. Arturo Gavilán García, Director of Pollutants, Substances, Residues and Biosafety Research, National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change, Mexico | |
Dr. Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla, Chairperson, Climate Change Council for the Presidency of the Mexican Republic | |
Dr. José Sarukhan, Researcher Emeritus, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) (Tyler Prize 2017) | |
Ms. Marisa Lopez, Founder, Bluer Future, M.A. Marine Conservation and Education | |
Mr. Carter Ries, President, One More Generation | |
12:00 – 12:45 pm | Award Ceremony - Guests of Honor : H.E. Dr. José Rosas Aispuro Torres, Governor of Durango and H.E. Mr. Ricardo Lagos Escobar, Former President of Republic of Chile Sustainability Icon Awardees |
12:45 – 1:30 pm | Buffet lunch |
1:30 – 2:40 pm | Plenary Panel Discussion: Subnational Initiatives and Actions |
Former Governor of California, Hon’ble Arnold Schwarzenegger has been responsible for focusing on initiatives at the subnational level in which entities across the globe are taking action at the subnational level. In the case of the US, for instance, while federal policies have moved backwards, fortunately at the level of the states and cities, there are encouraging signs of action on climate change. What is it that leaders at the subnational level can do? These would be identified with time based initiatives and concrete goals. | |
Keynote: H.E. Dr. José Rosas Aispuro Torres, Governor of Durango Hon’ble Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor of California (by video) |
Panelists: | |
Mtro. Omar Ramírez Tejada, Environmental Advisor of the Executive Power, Coordinator of the CDEEE-Renewable Program, Dominican Republic | |
H.E. Mr. Alfredo Herrera Duenweg, Minister Natural Resources and Environment | |
Ms. Lauren Sandberg, Co-Founder, Eco Eaters, Tahoe Expedition Academy; POP USA | |
Moderator: Ms. Jamilla Sealy, Former Regional Chairperson, Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) |
2:45 – 3.55 pm | Valedictory Session | Time (in minutes) |
Co-Chairs : Dr. Shonali Pachauri, Acting Program Director, Transitions to New Technologies & Senior Research Scholar, Energy Program, IIASA Dr. R.K. Pachauri, President, World Sustainable Development Forum (video) |
5 | |
Valedictory address: | ||
His Serene Highness Prince Albert II (by video) | 10 | |
H.E. Mr. Ricardo Lagos Escobar, Former President of Republic of Chile | 10 | |
Vote of thanks: Ms. Ana Hanhausen Domenech, Plastic Oceans Mexico | 3 | |
28 minutes | ||
4:00 – 4:45 pm | Closing of Forum and Release of Statement (All Patrons and Board members on stage) | |
5:00 pm onward | Light and Sound Show: History of Durango | |
March 7 | ||
9:30 – 11:30 am | Plenary Session: Youthquake and the POP Movement | |
In this session a large number of youth showed what they have been able to do and what they can do as part of the POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement, to bring about a change from past trends. The session identified specific actions to be taken under the POP Movement, particularly through its initiative called Youth CAN (Youth for Climate Action Now). The session allowed for extensive interaction between youth, political leaders, academics and researchers, and other stakeholders. | ||
Co-Chairs: Dr. Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla, Chairperson, Climate Change Council for the Presidency of the Mexican Republic Dr. Ash Pachauri, Senior Mentor, POP Movement |
Keynote: Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio, Oscar Award Winner (by video) | ||
Panelists: | ||
H.E. Mr. Alfredo Herrera Duenweg, Minister Natural Resources and Environment | ||
Mr. Lance Ignon, Senior Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives and Communication, USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences (live streaming) | ||
Ms. Camila González Colistro, Youth Leader, Fridays For Future movement, Mexico | ||
Ms. Chloé Moingeon, Youth Leader of the POP Movement for France; Bachelor student at ESCP Business School |
Ms. Ana Hanhausen Domenech, Plastic Oceans Mexico | |
Mr. Saul Ernesto Gerardo Lopez, Autonomous University Of Occident UAdeO Los Mochis Sinaloa Mexico | |
Ms. Xiye Bastida, Youth Leader (by video) | |
11:30 am – 1:00 pm | Musical Performance and Light Lunch |